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"Translate Your Thoughts: The Ultimate Guide to Using Language Translator Tools"

Whether you're a traveler, a student, or a professional working in a multicultural environment, language barriers can be daunting. Join us as we delve into the features of an innovative language translator tool designed to make communication seamless and enjoyable.   Language Translator Language Translator Source Language: Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Basque Belarusian Bengali Bosnian Bulgarian Catalan Cebuano Chichewa Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Corsican Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Esperanto Estonian Filipino Finnish French Frisian Galician Georgian German Greek Gujarati Haitian Creole Hausa Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hmong Hunga...
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गोमती विद्या । गौरक्षा हम क्यों करें ?

 गोमती कीर्तयिष्यामि सर्व्वापापप्रणाशिनीम्।  तां तू में वदतो विप्रा शृणुष्व सुसमाहितः। ।  गावः सुरभयो नित्यं गावो गुग्गुलगंधिकाः।  गावः प्रतिष्ठा भूतानां गावः स्वस्त्ययनं परम। ।  अन्नमेव परं गावो देवानां हविरुत्तमम्।  पावनं सर्व्वभूतानां  रक्षन्ति च वहन्ति च। ।  हविषाः मंत्रपूतें तर्पयन्त्यमरान  दिवि।  ऋषीणामग्निहोत्रेषु गावो होम प्रयोगिताः। ।  सर्ववेषामेव भूतानां गावः शरणमुत्तमम्।  गावः पवित्रं परमं गावो होम प्रयोजितः। ।  सर्व्वेषामेव भूतानां गावः शरणमुत्तमम्।  गावः पवित्रं परमं गावो मङ्गलमुत्तमम्।।  गावः स्वर्गस्य सोपान गावो धन्याः सनातनाः।  (ॐ ) नमो गोभ्यः श्रीमतीभ्यः सौरभेयीभ्य एव च। । नमो ब्रह्मसुताभ्यश्च पवित्राभ्यो नमो नह।  ब्राह्मणाश्चैव गावश्र्य कुलमेकम द्विधा स्थितम्। । एकत्र मन्त्रास्तिष्ठन्ति हविरेकत्र तिष्ठति।  देवब्राह्मणगोसाधुसाध्वीभिः सकलं जगत। । धार्यते वै सदा तस्मात् सर्व्वे पूज्यतमाः सदा।  यत्र तीर्थे सदा गावः पिबन्ति तृषिता जलम्। । उत्तरन्ति पता येन स्थिता तत्र सरस्वती।...

Sanatan Dharma a rare text book of Hindu religion and ethics..   An advance text book of Hindu religion & ethics. This book was published in 1916 by Banaras Hindu university . Not available now . All the copies got destroyed . Only one copy was available in the library of California university, which has been digitized by Microsoft..

Nothing to beat Indians in knowledge....!

The four yugas - eternal cosmic seasonal changes.-Click here to know more... With the manifestation of speech, fire also became manifested, and with the manifestation of nostrils the vital air, the breathing process and the sense of smell also became manifested.-Click to learn more.. Full text of "Siva Samhita" THE SIVA SAMHITA THE SIVA SAMHITA. - यथा हि पुरुषः पश्येदादर्- शे मुखमात्मनः- । एवं सुदर्शनद्वीपो दृश्यते चन्द्रमण्ड- ले॥ द्विरंशे पिप्पलस्तत्र द्विरंशे च शशो महान्।।- (भीम पर्व, महाभारत) Meaning:- अर्थ- जैसे पुरुष दर्पण में अपना मुख देखता है, उसी प्रकार यह द्वीप (पृथ्वी) चन्द्रमण्ड- ल में दिखाई देता है। इसके दो अंशों में पिप्पल(पीपल के पत्ते) और दो अंशों में महान शश (खरगोश) दिखाई देता है।  Click here to read more.. His Holiness Tridandi Chinna Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar. In a lecture from 2011 delivered at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras.Click the link to know more..

Shabarimala..-Swami Sharanam means ‘the only hope is Ayyappa.

Certain things in life are inherited from the traditions followed since ages without even they being written anywhere but passed on from generations to generations by following and practicing what is deemed right and religious ....Shabarimala Temple visit also not an exception.... Ayappa is celibate so that he can focus on answering the prayers of his devotees. And he will remain celibate till the day any malikappurathamas (first-time girl child devotees) stop coming to Sabarimala. So women aged between 10 and 50 (menstrual age) are not allowed in this shrine .As we know , all over India Hindu ladies during their menstruation period ,normally'll not visit any temple . Without a proper Vrutham it is a sacrilege to visit the temple or climb the Holy 18 Steps of Shabarimala (The 18 Steps cannot be climbed if you are not carrying an `Irumudi Kettu').A devotee aspiring for a darshan of Lord Ayyappan has to be pure both mentally and physically and for this, he is expected to observe ...

अर्चिरादि मार्ग

प्राणियों केलिए वर्त्तमान शरीर को त्याग कर इस लोक से परलोक में जाने के, वेदों में  दो मार्ग बताये गये  हैं - एक देवयान और दूसरा पितृयान।  देवयान मार्ग शुक्ल और दीप्तिमय हैं तो , पितृयान कृष्ण और  अन्धकारमय हैं।  इसीका गीता में भी प्रतिपादन किया गया हैं :- शुक्लकृष्णे गती ह्येते जगतः शाश्वते मते । एकया यात्यनावृत्तिमन्ययावर्तते पुनः ॥ ८.२६ ॥ क्योंकि शुक्ल और कृष्ण – ये दोनों गतियाँ अनादिकालसे जगत् – (प्राणिमात्र) के साथ (सम्बन्ध रखनेवाली) मानी गयी हैं । इनमें से एक गति में जानेवाले को लौटना नहीं पड़ता और दूसरी गति में जानेवाले को पुनः लौटना पड़ता है । (८.२६) शुक्ल अधवा देवयान को अनावृत्ति ( मुक्ति) मार्ग और कृष्ण ( पितृयान )को पुनरावृत्ति मार्ग बताया गया हैं।  इस मुक्ति मार्ग को ही अर्चिरादि मार्ग कहते हैं।  अर्चि अग्नि को कहते हैं जो प्रकाश कारक हैं।   अर्चिरहः सितः पक्ष उत्तरायण वत्सरो।  मरुद्रवीन्दवो विद्युद्वरुणेंद्र चतुर्मुखाः। । एते द्वादश धीराणां परधामा वाहिकाः।  वैकुण्ठ प्रापिका विद्युद्वरुणा देस्त्वनुग्रहे।।...

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