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Shabarimala..-Swami Sharanam means ‘the only hope is Ayyappa.

Certain things in life are inherited from the traditions followed since ages without even they being written anywhere but passed on from generations to generations by following and practicing what is deemed right and religious ....Shabarimala Temple visit also not an exception....
Ayappa is celibate so that he can focus on answering the prayers of his devotees. And he will remain celibate till the day any malikappurathamas (first-time girl child devotees) stop coming to Sabarimala. So women aged between 10 and 50 (menstrual age) are not allowed in this shrine .As we know , all over India Hindu ladies during their menstruation period ,normally'll not visit any temple .
Without a proper Vrutham it is a sacrilege to visit the temple or climb the Holy 18 Steps of Shabarimala (The 18 Steps cannot be climbed if you are not carrying an `Irumudi Kettu').A devotee aspiring for a darshan of Lord Ayyappan has to be pure both mentally and physically and for this, he is expected to observe a mandatory fast (vritham) of 41 days .
Women wishing to offer prayers atshrine of Sabarimala will be required to carry proof of age to gain entry into the sanctum sanctorum.


.🙏👹This is the Kerala Health Minister( Communist Party of India (Marxist), she's the person who expressed reservations over rendering of a Sanskrit 'shloka' during the official International Yoga Day celebrations..Next to her is a staunch anti-hindu former SFI leader and Kerala Youth Commission chairperson and firebrand Left leader Chintha Jerome

Communism bans other religions, because it is itself a religion without a God...!

Swamiye Sharanam Ayyappa ...Opening of Shabarimala Temple sanctum sanctorum. A rare view..!

Defaming Hindu religion: A British and leftist propaganda - PGurus

Malayalam Christian portal Spews Hate Against Hindus And God Sri Ayyappa | Internet Hindu

Originally Published By The evangelists or Christian missionaries have always spread hatred against Hindus by insulting the Gods worshiped by them - calling the followers of Hindu Dharma as Satan worshipers. The early European Christians who had contacts with the Hindus and their practices considered Hindu Gods as evil beings.

In another shocking instance of  Christian intolerance & contempt for Hindu beliefs and customs, St Adams High School ,  Chikkadpally, Hyderabad Principal expelled   Hindu student  from school premises for wearing AyappaMala and not allowed  to write exam too ....

Police are brutally beating the people..Yathish chandra IPS with Specs( With a psychopathic personality) in the video is deployed in Sabarimala Now to curb Hindu terrorism there...

தப்பான வழியில் வேகம் பிடிக்கிறது பினராயி பயணம்

சபரிமலை வழக்கை போட்டது ஆர்.எஸ்.எஸ் ....!

മുഖ്യമന്ത്രിയോട് കരഞ്ഞ് പറഞ്ഞ് തമിഴ്നാട്ടിൽ നിന്നുള്ള അയ്യപ്പ ഭക്തൻ.... 

ചാനലുകൾ കാട്ടാത്ത ശബരിമല കാഴ്ചകൾ

ഒരേ വാർത്ത. രണ്ട് ചാനലിൽ.

ശ്രീകോവിൽ മുറ്റത്ത് വസ്ത്രം കഴുകി ഉണക്കാൻ ഇട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു 

You will be shocked to know the conspiracy behind Sabarimala temple Verdict..

Women devotees at Kottarakara In Kerala do prayer Walk to Save Sabarimala Traditions and Belief. 

Shocking Video of Hindu Aikya Vedi President KP Sasikala Teacher getting arrested at 1.30 A.M.  on her way to Sabarimala!

This is heart-wrenching. A devotee crying and painfully appealing to The God. 

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