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Fw: DRIVE SAFELY..... Not everyone hit by a drunk driver dies

  - Please Drive Safely!     Show this to your friends,  family, children, grand children or great  children This young lady has been on Oprah and what a loving,  forgiving young woman she is! An amazing story of what she has suffered  and will bear the rest of her life. Please share this with your friends  and especially your teenagers who are driving.   This is Jacqueline Saburido on September 19, 1999.       This is she and her Father, 1998.       Her Birthday party as a child.     At a party with friends.       The car in which Jacqueline  traveled. She was hit by another car that was driven by a 17-year old male  student on his way home after drinking a couple  of hard packs with his friends. This was in December  1999.   ...

A Story from the Great Epic Ramayana

Srirama was discussing some matters with the sage Vishwamitra and others in the palace of Ayodhya. A king came over there and bowed Srirama. He talked to Srirama for awhile and left the Palace. Others also said “Good-bye” to Srirama and started from there. After that, Naradha met Vishwamithra. He said to him, "Honourable sage Viswamithra, the king who bowed Srirama, did not give you due respect. Are you so generous to pardon the king who ignored you? To be generous is a very good quality. But it should not give room to others to continue their mistakes". Naradha pretended to be very innocent and his revolutionary plan started working. Vishwamithra became furious and said "I did not notice the king who did not respect me. Otherwise I would have punished him then itself. Naradha, you have asked me directly about that incident. But many people who noticed it may think cheap of me and criticize me. I have lost my reputation. How dare the king was to ...

വിഷ്ണു സഹസ്രനാമ സ്തോത്രം

Guru Paramartha and His Five Foolish Disciples- Chapter Two..

For many a day guru Paramartha and his disciples discussed their adventure. Very elaborately they described how they eventually managed to cross the treacherous river and still lose a person. They marveled at how a God sent messenger had brought back their missing man for a mere 45 gold coins. Meanwhile, the old lady hired to do all the cleaning in the ashram, listened attentively. Though she was blind, her hearing was as keen as her wit. “My dear boys,” she said, “you have been badly cheated. You have lost 45 gold coins unnecessarily. Your difficulty was not a serious one – certainly not worth 45 gold coins. Let me tell you, if at any time you cross a river and want to count your men, there is a much simpler and cheaper solution. Whenever you travel always carry some wet cow dung with you. Then when you cross the river, add some water, knead the cow dung, and make a big pancake out of it. Then you should put the cow dung pancake on the ground and all sit around it. Very...

एक अपमानित के मौत ...

बात १६७६ की हैं। उन  फ़्राँस में ली ग्राण्ट वौटिल नाम का एक बावर्ची रहता था।  लोग उसे एक मंजा हुआ बावर्ची मानते थे।  वे कहते थे कि अगर ली ग्राण्ट कोई खाना बनाता हैं , वह सभी को पसंद आता हैं।  इस तरह ली ग्राण्ट की लोग काफी तारीफ़ करते थे।  इससे ली ग्राण्ट अत्यंत प्रसन्न और संतुष्ट होता था और यूँ  वह तारीफोँका आदि भी हो गया था।  एक बार फ्राँस के राजकुमार 'डी कोंडे ' ली ग्राण्ट के बारे में सुना।  प्रिंसने उसे शाही रसोई का ख़ास बावर्ची बना दिया।  शेफ़ बनकर ली ग्राण्ट अत्यंत प्रसन्न था।  शाही परिवारके लोगोंको भी उसका बनाया व्यंजन अच्छा लगता था।  वे सभी उसकी बहुत प्रशंसा करते थे।  उसी दौरान साम्राट लूई -चतुर्थ का जन्मदिन आया।   उसदिन राजा को खुश करने केलिए ली ग्राण्ट वौटिल ने कुछ विशिष्ट करने की कोशिश की। उसने अनेक प्रकारके पकवान बनाकर लूई  राजा को खुश करने का प्रयत्न किया।  उसे साम्राट से भी तारीफ़ पाने की आशा थी।  लेकिन दुर्भाग्यवश उसके द्वारा बनाया गया कोई भी पकवान राजा को पसंद नहीं आया। राजाने यह...