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Alligator Factory

Convictions in Canada Chilliwack Cattle Sales, the largest dairy factory farm in Canada, was convicted of animal cruelty following an undercover investigation by Mercy For Animals 8 Things Vegans and Meat Eaters Can Totally Agree On

Jagannath ji Rath Yatra

 A beautiful bhajan by western hindu devi... ये महात्मा जब भी किसी भगवान के दर्शन करते हे तो भगवान की माला स्वयं उत्तर जाती हे The Divine Weapons of the Puranas Thacholi Othena Kurup Thacholi Meppayil Kunjhu Othenan  or  Mepayil Tacholi Manikoth Kovilakathu Kunji Othena Kurup  (Udayana Kurup of Thacholi Manikoth House) or more popularly  Thacholi Othenan  (Malayalam:  തച്ചോളി ഒതേനന്‍ ) was a legendary Nair warrior  who  lived during 16th century in North Malabar region of Kerala, India. He is praised about in  Vadakkanpattu  (ballads of North Malabar). The Nairs As Warriors - Part 1 Mamankam festival - Wikipedia Meet Baladeva: A New Bull Calf Was Born at Our Ashram's Goshala

Amazing animal videos...!

"Cats are the most civilized members of the household.   Unlike dogs, cats do not bark or make other loud noises.  Most cats don't even meow very often. They generally lead a quiet existence.  Cats also don't often have "accidents........!" Source: Unbelievable recovery for dog thrown out of speeding car by ViktorLarkhill on Rumble Source: Hard-working monkey scales treetops for coconuts by DT_Smile_Love on Rumble The excavation of a cave, during work on the Belo Monte Dam in Pará, unearthed a snake weighing 400 kg, measuring 10 meters, with a diameter of 1 meter.....!

गणेशपञ्चरत्नम् - मुदाकरात्तमोदकं

Listen to "Muda karathamodakam-remix2" on Spreaker.

Money Matters....!

Making and managing money in these turbulent times can be tough... " Wealth is the ability to fully experience life. Henry -David Thoreau "