ये महात्मा जब भी किसी भगवान के दर्शन करते हे तो भगवान की माला स्वयं उत्तर जाती हे
The Divine Weapons of the Puranas |
Thacholi Othena Kurup
Thacholi Meppayil Kunjhu Othenan or Mepayil Tacholi Manikoth Kovilakathu Kunji Othena Kurup (Udayana Kurup of Thacholi Manikoth House) or more popularly Thacholi Othenan (Malayalam: തച്ചോളി ഒതേനന്) was a legendary Nair warrior who lived during 16th century in North Malabar region of Kerala, India. He is praised about in Vadakkanpattu (ballads of North Malabar).
The Nairs As Warriors - Part 1
Mamankam festival - Wikipedia