You may never set foot on Mars, but your words and pictures could land there later this year. The space-funding company Uwingu launched its "Beam Me to Mars" project today (Aug. 19), inviting people to contribute, for a fee, to a "digital shout-out" that will send messages from Earth to the Red Planet on Nov. 28 — the 50th anniversary of Mars exploration . (The messages won't be read or recorded by anyone on Mars, of course, but they'll be archived here on Earth, and participants will receive a commemorative certificate.) धरणीगर्भ सम्भूतं विद्युत्कांति समप्रभम् कुमारं शक्तिहस्तं त मंगलम प्रनामाम्यहम। पृथ्वीके पुत्र , विद्युत के कान्ति के सामान कान्तिवाले , बलशाली कुमार मंगलको मैं नमस्कार करता हूँ। I salute Mr. Mars Kumar, the powerful Mangal Kumar ,who is the son of earth ,and lustrous like lightning ....!. Post by Manoj Kurup .
‘आसिन्धु सिन्धुपर्यन्ता यस्य भारत भूमिका. पितृभू: पुण्यभूश्चैव स वै हिन्दुरितीस्मृतः’ अर्थात – समुद्र से हिमालय तक भारत भूमि जिसकी पितृभूमि है जिसके पूर्वज यहीं पैदा हुए हैं व यही पुण्य भमिू है, जिसके तीर्थ भारत भूमि में ही हैं, वही हिन्दू है… A Hindu is a person who regards this land of Bharatavarsha, from the Indus to the seas as his Fatherland as well as his holy land, that is the cradle land of his religion.