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Showing posts from November, 2014

Story of a Stone Man....!

Doctor :- Bad news Manoj , this extra weight can mean a shorter life...! Me :- that is bad news, but on the bright ( Right) side , a shorter life would give my enemies less time for revenge...!

BMC House passes resolution denying permissions to builders who refuse to sell flats to non-vegertarians....!

Satsang and Dussang:- An idle mind is prone to wasteful conversations and casting aspersions on others. Desires raise their ugly heads and when good deeds are not performed, bad thoughts spring up in the mind. Satsang( union with truth or company of good) is the only remedy for the disease of dussang( bad company). 1).A sattvic diet :- also referred to as a yoga diet or sentient diet, is a diet based on foods that—according to Ayurveda and Yoga, are strong in the sattva guna, and lead to clarity and upeksa (equanimity) of mind while also being beneficial to the body. Such foods include water, cereal grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, unpasteurized and un-homogenized fresh milk and fresh milk derivatives (mostly ghee, but also butter, cream, fresh or cottage cheese etc. 2).Tamasic foods:- are those that have a sedative effect on the mind and body. In general, they are considered detrimental. According to yoga, these foods are to be avoided as they can cause mental dulln...

Kindness Makes The World Go Round

Peru's 'frog Juice' Claims Big Health Benefits Play Video by Yahoo News Editorial [★]comments Animals in need of homes roam a meeting room on Capitol Hill as part of an awareness program by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Post by SODOPRECA .

Hinduism is a way of life...!

Post by Sadhguru . Vishnu Sahasra Naamam...! Click...!    Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Word-To-word Translation by kaustavchakravarthy Hinduism, the greatest religion in the world...! Follow MANOJ 's board Pinterest Board of Kuruponia on Pinterest.

“We live and we die and anything else is just a delusion.”

“For it would be better to die once and for all than to suffer pain for all one's life.”   Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound  

Dogs that love eating cabbage...!

Post by Manoj Kurup .

Save Mother Cow..!

Post by Manoj Kurup . Post by Manoj Kurup . Raised Issue of Cow Slaughter in Telangana Assembly and demanded strict implementation of cow slaughter law ...! . Post by Raja Singh .

Madhukar shyaam hamaare chor..

गङ्गा स्तोत्रम् - देवि सुरेश्वरि भगवति गङ्गे ....!

देवि सुरेश्वरि भगवति गङ्गे त्रिभुवनतारिणि तरलतरङ्गे । शङ्करमौलिविहारिणि विमले मम मतिरास्तां तव पदकमले ॥१॥ भागीरथि सुखदायिनि मातस्तव जलमहिमा निगमे ख्यातः । नाहं जाने तव महिमानं पाहि कृपामयि मामज्ञानम् ॥२॥ हरिपदपाद्यतरङ्गिणि गङ्गे हिमविधुमुक्ताधवलतरङ्गे । दूरीकुरु मम दुष्कृतिभारं कुरु कृपया भवसागरपारम् ॥३॥ तव जलममलं येन निपीतं परमपदं खलु तेन गृहीतम् । मातर्गङ्गे त्वयि यो भक्तः किल तं द्रष्टुं न यमः शक्तः ॥४॥ पतितोद्धारिणि जाह्नवि गङ्गे खण्डितगिरिवरमण्डितभङ्गे । भीष्मजननि हे मुनिवरकन्ये पतितनिवारिणि त्रिभुवनधन्ये ॥५॥ कल्पलतामिव फलदां लोके प्रणमति यस्त्वां न पतति शोके । पारावारविहारिणि गङ्गे विमुखयुवतिकृततरलापाङ्गे ॥६॥         तव चेन्मातः स्रोतःस्नातः पुनरपि जठरे सोऽपि न जातः । नरकनिवारिणि जाह्नवि गङ्गे कलुषविनाशिनि महिमोत्तुङ्गे ॥७॥   पुनरसदङ्गे पुण्यतरङ्गे जय जय जाह्नवि करुणापाङ्गे । इन्द्रमुकुटमणिराजितचरणे सुखदे शुभदे भृत्यशरण्ये ॥८॥   रोगं शोकं ...

Purah Tanah...!

Names:_ Pura Tanah Lot; Tanah Lot Temple; Temple of the Land in the Middle of the Sea; "Sunset Temple" Type of site: Temple Faith: Balinese Hinduism Status: Active Dates: c.16th century Location: SW Bali, Indonesia Hours: Not open to visitors. One of Bali's most important sea temples, Pura Tanah Lot ("Temple of Land in the Middle of the Sea") is a spectacular sight, especially at sunset. 20 More images after the break... History The tiny island was formed by the gradual erosion of the ocean tide over thousands of years. The temple of Tanah Lot is said to have been founded by the 16th-century priest Nirartha, one of the last priests to come to Bali from Java. The temple of Tanah Lot stands on a rocky island just off the southwest coast of Bali. One of Bali's most sacred sea temples, Tanah Lot is dedicated to the guardian spirits of the sea. The temple itself is said to be guarded from evil by the sea snakes that inhabit the caves below. The te...

Energy from waste- A guide for decision makers....!

Energy from Waste (EfW) generates both electricity and useable heat in the form of steam or hot water for local industry, while safely treating non-recyclable residual wastes. ANDHRA PRADESH has more than one reason to cheer about when the Minister of State for Science and Technology, Mr Bachi Singh Rawat, dedicated to the nation a 6.6-MW power plant using municipal solid waste (MSW) as fuel near Shadnagar..!

Can Eating Be A Spiritual Process?

आज का चिंतन ...!

उत्तममंकुशलमं  विद्यां मध्यमं कृषिवाणिज्यम्। अधमं सेवयावृत्ति विषमं भारजीवनमं। संगीत साहित्य इत्यादियोंके द्वारा उपजीवन चलाना उत्तमं हैं ; कृषि वाणिज्य से जीवन निवृत्ति मध्यमं माना जाता हैं; एवं दूसरोंके लिए सेवावृत्ति करना  (सब का सेवा करना अधवा  नौकरी करना )अधम , और  भार ढोकर जीवन वृत्ति असाध्य ही मानना चाहिए। "परिचर्यात्मकमं  कर्मं शूद्रस्यापि स्वभावजम् " श्रीमद भगवत  गीता - १८/४ 'शूद्र स्वभाव में जन्मे लोकोंके स्वाभाविक स्वभाव हैं सेवा वृत्ति अधवा दूसरोंके सेवा करना।' चातुर्वर्ण्यं माया सृष्टं गुणकर्म विभागशः। तस्य कर्तारमपि मां विद्ध्य कर्तारमव्ययम्।  श्रीमद भगवत  गीता- ४/१३ ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय ,वैश्य एवं शूद्र इन चार वर्णोंके समूह - गुण  , कर्मों का विभाग पूर्वक मेरे द्वारा (भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ) रचा गया हैं। 

Quote of the Day..

"We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another". Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) 

This is a real good story from ancient Hindu Mythology about Character....!

  Long long ago, there were was a biggest and powerful empire on earth. The king of this empire was a great person, a great warrior, great wise man and great king the same time. He was revered by all. He was King Prahladh. He was so honored and revered that the king of kingdom of gods became jealous of him.One day the god-king disguised as an old beggar and traveled to the earth. He stood at the doors of the palace on the morning of one very auspicious day of the year. Kings were expected to give generous donations to the needy people on that day. So when the king Prahlad came out of the palace he saw a big line of people waiting for donation. The disguised king of gods was the last one in the line.   When everyone else in the line got pretty much what they wanted and left, the king of gods was the only one left.O King, Will you give me what I want? He asked King Pralhad.Yes. Said Pralhad.I want a promise that you will forfeit all the good things ...