Shree Ganesha... Ganapati bappa Morya. !!!!!!! Ohm Vighneswaraya Namah ! Vinayakaya Namah ! Ganapathaye Namah ! Gajamughaya Namah ! Parvati nandanaya Namah ! Mushika vahanaya Namah ! Kailasa Putraya Namah ! 108 Names Of Lord Ganesha No. Name Meaning 1 Akhurath One who has Mouse as His Charioteer 2 Alampata Ever Eternal Lord 3 Amit Incomparable Lord 4 Anantachidrupamayam Infinite and Consciousness Personified 5 Avaneesh Lord of the whole World 6 Avighna Remover of Obstacles 7 Balaganapati Beloved and Lovable Child 8 Bhalchandra Moon-Crested Lord 9 Bheema Huge and Gigantic 10 Bhupati Lord of the Gods 11 Bhuvanpati God of the Gods 12 Buddhinath God of Wisdom 13 Buddhipriya Knowledge Bestower 14 Buddhividhata God of Knowledge 15 Chaturbhuj One who has Four Arms 16 Devadeva Lord of All Lords 17 Devantakanashakarin Destroyer of Evils and Asuras 18 Devav...
‘आसिन्धु सिन्धुपर्यन्ता यस्य भारत भूमिका. पितृभू: पुण्यभूश्चैव स वै हिन्दुरितीस्मृतः’ अर्थात – समुद्र से हिमालय तक भारत भूमि जिसकी पितृभूमि है जिसके पूर्वज यहीं पैदा हुए हैं व यही पुण्य भमिू है, जिसके तीर्थ भारत भूमि में ही हैं, वही हिन्दू है… A Hindu is a person who regards this land of Bharatavarsha, from the Indus to the seas as his Fatherland as well as his holy land, that is the cradle land of his religion.