In the Gavopanishad the glories of the cow are stated as follows: gavo bhutam cha bhavyam cha gavah pushtih sanatani gavo lakshmas tatha mulam gosu dattam na nasyati “The cow is the past and future. She nourishes the health of all living entities, and she is the root of prosperity. The piety one achieves by feeding a cow in never destroyed.” annam hy paramam gavo devanam paramam havih svahakara vasat karau gosu nityam pratishthitau “The cow is the cause of one’s accumulation of food grains. She awards the best sacrificial ingredients to the demigods. The sacrifice of the demigods and the sacrifice of Indra are both performed on the basis of the cow.” gavo yajnasya hy phalam gosu yajnah pratishthitah gavo bhavishyam bhutam ca gosu-yajnah pratishthitah “It is the cow which awards the result of sacrifice. The performance of sacrifice is dependent upon her. She is the past and future. All sacrifices are based upon her.” sayam pratasca satatam homa kale mahadyute gavo dadati vai homyam r...
‘आसिन्धु सिन्धुपर्यन्ता यस्य भारत भूमिका. पितृभू: पुण्यभूश्चैव स वै हिन्दुरितीस्मृतः’ अर्थात – समुद्र से हिमालय तक भारत भूमि जिसकी पितृभूमि है जिसके पूर्वज यहीं पैदा हुए हैं व यही पुण्य भमिू है, जिसके तीर्थ भारत भूमि में ही हैं, वही हिन्दू है… A Hindu is a person who regards this land of Bharatavarsha, from the Indus to the seas as his Fatherland as well as his holy land, that is the cradle land of his religion.