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लक्ष्म्यष्टकम्- स्कन्द पुराणं ..!

नमस्ते गजद्धात्रि सद्ब्रह्मरूपे
नमस्ते हरोपेंद्रधात्रादिवन्द्ये।
नमस्ते प्रपन्नेष्टदानैक दक्षे
नमस्ते महालक्ष्मी कोलापुरेशी। ।

 O mother of the universe , the supreme Brahman , we prostrate before thee , who is worshiped by Shiva, Upendra, Brahma and other deities.Prostrates to thee who fulfills the desires of those taking refuge in thee. Prostrations to thee, O Mahalakshmi ,the Goddess of Kolapura..!
 विधिः कृत्तिवासा हरिर्विश्वमेतत्
सृजनयात्ति पातीति यत्तत्प्रासिसिद्धम्।
कृपालोकनादेव ते शक्तिरूपे
नमस्ते महालक्ष्मी कोलापुरेशी। ।

 This universe is created by Brahma .Lord Shiva annihilates it.Lord Vishnu protects it. But O Mahalakshmi , it is with the benign look of thee , whose form is power itself, they perform all those acts. Prostrations to thee O Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of Kolapura...!
 त्वया मायया व्याप्तमेतत्समस्तं
द्यतम् लीलया देवी कुक्षौ हि विश्वम।
स्थितं बुद्धिरूपेण सर्वत्र जन्तौ
नमस्ते महालक्ष्मी कोलापुरेशी। ।

 This whole universe is permeated with thy divine maya , while O Devi, thou bear the entire universe playfully in thy womb. Thou reside in every being in the form of intelligence. Prostrations to thee O Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of Kolapura...!
 यया भक्तवर्गा हि लक्ष्यत एते
त्वयात्र प्रकामं कृपापूर्णदृष्ट्या।
अतो  गीयसे देवी लक्ष्मीरीति त्वं
नमस्ते महालक्ष्मी कोलापुरेशी। ।

 O Devi , as thou cast thy benign glance on all thy devotees, thou art called Mahalakshmi.
Prostrations to thee O Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of Kolapura...!

 पुनर्वाक्पटुत्वादिहीना हि मूका
नरैसत्थैर्निकामं खलु प्राहर्थसे य
निजेष्टाप्तये तच्च मूकाम्बिका त्वं
नमस्ते महालक्ष्मी कोलापुरेशी। । 

 Those who lack intelligence and power of expression pray earnestly for thy grace and thou raise from endowing them with talents and wisdom. Therefore , thou art known as Mookaambika.
Prostrations to thee O Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of Kolapura...!

यद् द्वैतरूपात्पराब्रह्मणस्वं
यदाहुर्जनास्त्वां हि गौरीं कुमारीं
 नमस्ते महालक्ष्मी कोलापुरेशी। ।
 O Devi , thou manifested thyself from the one indivisible Brahman. Thou then engaged in the play of creation. As one engaging in creative activity, thou called Gauri and as the playful one, thou art called Kumari.
Prostrations to thee O Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of Kolapura...!

 हरिशादिदे होत्थतेजोमयप्र -
महायोगि कोलर्षिहत्पद्मगेहे 
 नमस्ते महालक्ष्मी कोलापुरेशी। । 
 Srichakra , the king of mystic symbols , which emanated from the very splendor of Lord Maha Vishnu, Lord Shiva , and other deities in the form.
Prostrations to thee O Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of Kolapura...!
नमः शङ्खचक्राभयाभीष्टहस्थे
नमस्ते अम्बिके गौरी पद्मासनस्थे।
नमः स्वर्णवर्णे प्रसन्ने शरण्ये
  नमस्ते महालक्ष्मी कोलापुरेशी। ।
 Prostrations to thee ,O Devi who hold in thy four hands the counch , the discus and the mystic symbols Abhaya Abheeshta Mudra-s . Prostrations to thee , Mother , who sits in the mystic pose Pdmasana. Prostrations to thee , the graceful refuge of all, the golden hued, the blissful .
Prostrations to thee O Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of Kolapura...!

 इदं स्तोत्ररत्नं कृतं सर्वदैव
हृदि त्वाम समाध्यायः  लखम्यष्टकम् यः
पढेन्नित्यमेष ब्रजात्याशु   लक्ष्मीं
सुविद्याम च सत्यम भवत्याः प्रसादात् 
Those who chant everyday this great Stotra that emanated from the devoted hearts of all the Devas will be blessed with prosperity and knowledge by the grace of Sri Mookaambika.


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